ガルグ=マクの底 Underneath Garreg Mach
(ガルグ=マクの底 昼)
Underneath Garreg Mach | Daytime
ディミトリ: ここは、大聖堂前の橋梁の下……か?谷底にこんな場所が……
Dimitri: Say... Are we beneath the bridge at the monastery? Incredible...
クロード: へえ……いつも歩いてる橋梁を、遥か下から見上げる日が来るとはね。
Claude: Huh. I never thought I'd be gazing up at that bridge we've crossed a thousand times from way, way down below.
ユーリス: ここが件の“封印の谷”なのか?宝杯が封じられているっていう。
Yuri: Are we sure this is the right place?
コンスタンツェ: ……え、ええ。そうだといいのですけれど。
Constance: It is. I think. I believe. I...hope?
エーデルガルト: コンスタンツェ、岩陰に隠れて何を……?宝杯を探さなくていいのかしら?
Edelgard: Constance, why are you hiding in the shade? Aren't you the one who insisted that we find the chalice?
コンスタンツェ: ……ああっ、もう! そちらに行けば良いのでしょう!? 行けば!
Constance: Fine! If you insist that I join you, then I shall. Satisfied?!
コンスタンツェ: ………………。
Constance: ...
Oh my. I was quite rude just now... Please accept my humble apologies for treating you so foully.
I presumed too much to stand beside such noble paragons. Allow me to dig a hole to bury myself in...
バルタザール: ……谷底でも、陽の下は陽の下か。
Balthus: Ugh... No matter how deep underground we are, I guess sunlight is still sunlight. Poor Constance.
Choice 1: これは……? What's going on?
Chocie 2: 突然豹変した……? She's not her usual self...
ハピ: 陽に当たると、こーなるんだって。だからコニーは地下に籠もってるわけ。
Hapi: This is what Coco's like in the sun. That's why she lives underground.
コンスタンツェ: 私の浅薄な知恵で、ここが“封印の谷”かどうかなど判然とするはずもありませんわ。
Constance: I fear I cannot guarantee that this is the Chasm of the Bound. I have almost surely wasted our time.
バルタザール: おいおい……御託はいいから足を動かしてくれよ。
Balthus: Enough with the self-doubt, yeah? Just put one foot in front of the other. We'll have you back in the shadows before you know it.
ハピ: ほら、元気出して。コニーが必要なんだって。ほーら。
Hapi: Cheer up, Coco. We need you.
コンスタンツェ: そこまで仰らせてしまって、私は情けない気持ちでいっぱいでございます。ああ……。
Constance: And now I have forced you into a state of pity. I feel so very worthless.
ディミトリ: ……もう一つの人格、というのだろうか。ここまで斬新なものは初めて見たが……。
Dimitri: I admit, I have never seen anything quite like this before. Is there nothing we can do to help?
バルタザール: ハピ、背中を押してやれ。先に進まねえと、宝杯があるかどうかもわからねえぞ。
Balthus: Hapi, keep Constance moving. If we don't start searching, we'll never find that damn chalice.
ハピ: はいはい、いくよー。
Hapi: Fine. I'll just push her a bit, I guess...
コンスタンツェ: おやめください、私の汚い背中に触れては、貴方様の手が……はっ?
Constance: I must ask you to cease. You shall soil your hands upon my filthy back. No soap could possibly―Huh?
This feeling... I sense magic in the air. There is something just ahead. The binding spell, perhaps...
リンハルト: おかしいですね、何も感じませんけど……いやちょっと待った。何か動く音がする。
Linhardt: I don't feel anything at all... Wait. Actually, I hear something. Something big. And it's moving.
エーデルガルト: どうやら仕掛けがあったようね。封印を守護しているのかしら……ほら。
Edelgard: Perhaps there is something in place that is guarding the chalice.
クロード: おっと……あれは何だ?巨大な人形とでも言えばいいのか……。
Claude: Yikes! What is that thing? It's like some kind of gigantic toy.
ユーリス: ……状況はさっぱり掴めねえが、とにかく不味そうなことだけはわかるな。
Yuri: I don't have the slightest idea what's going on, but I know it doesn't bode well.
バルタザール: あれと、かち殴り合ったら面白えかな。久々に血沸く相手に出会ったぜ。
Balthus: I dunno. Could be fun. It's been a while since I've met an enemy that could put up a good fight!
Hey, you! Meet your master, pal! I'm gonna pummel you into my own personal shield!